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When Should I Hire a Bookkeeper?

When Should I Hire a Bookkeeper?

NOW!!!!! No seriously…….. NOW!!!! Its actually never too early to hire a bookkeeper – my suggestion is always BEFORE a business begins.. That way you get yourself SET UP FOR SUCCESS. Sometimes a business goes through the motion of ticking all the boxes with opening their trading doors, then after a few weeks, or (shame on you) after several months, scrambles around trying to hire… Read More »When Should I Hire a Bookkeeper?

The Difference Between A Bookkeeper and An Accountant

Do You Know The Difference Between A Bookkeeper and An Accountant?

I get asked all the time “so what is the difference” and “why can’t i just get you to do my tax for me”?? One way to remember the difference is bookkeepers RECORD business data and accountants ANALYSE business data. Most bookkeepers’ relationship with their clients is on a weekly or monthly basis, whereas the accountants relationship is less frequent, therefore the bookkeeper is more… Read More »Do You Know The Difference Between A Bookkeeper and An Accountant?

Tax Time

Tax Tax Baby!!

LETS TALK ABOUT TAX BABY…. LETS TALK ABOUT YOU AND ME…… LETS TALK ABOUT ALL THE GOOD THINGS AND THE BAD THINGS, THAT MAYBE…… LETS TALK ABOUT TAX… ( are you singing that in your head right now????) “Do you do tax???” It’s a question we get all the time. It occurred to me that small business owners might not know the difference between a… Read More »Tax Tax Baby!!