No seriously…….. NOW!!!!
Its actually never too early to hire a bookkeeper – my suggestion is always BEFORE a business begins.. That way you get yourself SET UP FOR SUCCESS.
Sometimes a business goes through the motion of ticking all the boxes with opening their trading doors, then after a few weeks, or (shame on you) after several months, scrambles around trying to hire a bookkeeper to work with them.. And then failing that finding a family member to “help them do the books”!!!
A bookkeeper should be one of the first people you hire at start up phase. They can help you with major decisions in many areas of your business.
In the start up phase of your business you may only need a bookkeeper for a couple of hours a week, and you can easily find one to work with you on an hourly basis – as you can with Flexible Financial Solutions
While an initial consultation with an accountant or tax agent is necessary to assist in setting up the legal and tax structure of your business, a bookkeeper will be the one to look after your day to day running of your business – including all the record keeping, payroll processing, cashflow forecasting and compliance works, such as Business Activity Statements and superannuation lodgements, just to name a few.
If you are starting a business, or have started a business and haven’t found your “ONE” our great team at Flexible Financial Solutions are ready to jump in and help you.
Please contact us through our website or on just give us a call 0414 247 574.