BAS & Support

For the business owner that does it all, you will more than likely be handling your books. With updates to regulations, obligations, and ever-changing requirements from the ATO, it can be difficult to remain informed while wearing your many hats.
Let us support you with your BAS preparation and BAS lodgement obligations. We are registered BAS agents and have BAS support package options to suit any business, large or small.
The Flexible Financial Solutions Team take the guess work out of your bookkeeping, with expert support with BAS lodgement, BAS preparation and BAS checking. IAS lodgement services also provided
We have our finger firmly on the pulse and we are consistently up to speed on Taxation regulations. We can provide guidance on current obligations to our clients for them to discuss with their accountant.
Generating reports are easy, but when it comes to analysing them, you may be left wanting. Your BAS needs require more than just reporting.
At Flexible Financial Solutions we understand that you don’t have a lot of time on your hands. Keeping up with your numbers knowing if you have the balance between rent, utilities, inventory and other expenses.
We can guide you on making important decisions with confidence and be able to know that your numbers are in ‘real time’ which will help all the more with the health of your business.