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When Should I Hire a Bookkeeper?

When Should I Hire a Bookkeeper?

NOW!!!!! No seriously…….. NOW!!!! Its actually never too early to hire a bookkeeper – my suggestion is always BEFORE a business begins.. That way you get yourself SET UP FOR SUCCESS. Sometimes a business goes through the motion of ticking all the boxes with opening their trading doors, then after a few weeks, or (shame on you) after several months, scrambles around trying to hire… Read More »When Should I Hire a Bookkeeper?

The Right Software Package For Your Business

The Right Software Package For Your Business

Happy Monday, everyone, just following up with our Monday morning tips. This morning I’m going to just briefly talk to you about choosing the right software package. If you are moving from one software package to another or you are a new business starting out, the choice of software package is really vital. It can’t be something that you just delve into willy nilly based… Read More »The Right Software Package For Your Business